Automation Systems

Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program

School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA



Content of Specialization A: Manufacturing and Production Systems

Compulsory First Semester Courses

1107. Design of Control SystemsDesign of Control Systems
The design of robust optimal controllers for Single-Input-Single-Output (SISO) and Multiple-Input linear systems is presented -Multiple Outputs (MIMO). The uncertainty of the system model is taken into account during the controller design phase. The basic design and analysis is done in the frequency domain. Robust controllers are designed with H_infinity and μ-composition methods. MATLAB/Simulink and Robust Control Toolbox are used in examples and applications. There is mandatory controller design and simulation work.

1108. Modelling and Control of Dynamical SystemsModelling and Control of Dynamical Systems
1. Transfer functions. Bode and Nyquist plots. Representation of uncertainty. Eigenvalues of multivariate systems. Robust stability and performance of systems with parametric or non-parametric uncertainty. IMC (Internal Model Control) regulators.
2. Modeling dynamic systems with state registers. Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control. LQR controllers (Linear Quadratic Regulators).
3. Kalman filter design. LQG (Linear Quadratic Gaussian) method. H_infinity control.
4. Design of optimal MPC type controllers (Model Predictive Control). This course aims to present control system design methods that combine the time and frequency domains. The methods are initially presented at the level of one-input-one-output systems and are generalized to multivariate systems. Students who complete the course will be able to design in MATLAB optimal LQG controllers for multivariable systems that satisfy specific specifications in the frequency domain based on the eigenvalues.


Compulsory Elective Courses (EC) First Semester
(mandatory selection of 4 Courses per Semester)

1101. Optimal Product and System DesignOptimal Product and System Design
The Systems Concept of Manufacturing - Introduction to Manufacturing / Synthesis - The Systems Approach to Manufacturing - Systems Modeling - Systematic Analysis - Work Methods - Alternative Construction Solutions - Introduction to Optimization Methods - Deterministic Optimization Methods - Semi-deterministic Optimization Methods - Stochastic Optimization Methods - Test Functions - Constraint Handling - Application Examples. The subject of the course is the specialization of M.F. in modern methods of analysis - synthesis & optimization with the aim of applying them to the optimal construction design. During the course, a computational topic - task is prepared.

1103. Industrial InstallationsIndustrial Installations
Industrial Facilities: introduction to production and operations management - MACHINE MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES - Fundamentals of vibration analysis - Data logging equipment - Diagnosis and monitoring of faults - Bearing and gear faults, misalignment and unbalance - International regulations - Fault diagnosis methods (Fourier transform, time indices -rms, kurtosis, etc-, Hilbert transform demodulation, wavelet transform) - Applications - DATA CLASSIFICATION MACHINE LEARNING - Export/ feature selection/restriction (PCA) - automated data/fault clustering/classification (K-means, SVM) - Applications - MANUFACTURING PROCESS CONTROL - International regulations - Manufacturing process modeling - Multivariate statistical control (MPCA) - Variable visualization methods (SAX, VizTree) - Applications - OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH - Vibration control of the human body from the use of tools and vehicles - Data recording equipment - International regulations - Applications. The objective objective of the course is to familiarize students with the functions and processes of industrial facilities (main and auxiliary) and their design parameters.

1104. CAD and ApplicationsCAD and Applications
Bezier curves and surfaces, B-splines and NURBS. de Casteljau, de Boor, degree lifting, subdivision and node insertion algorithms. Geometric continuity between curve/surface segments. Quadrilateral, triangular and mixed topology surfaces. Equidistant curves and surfaces.
The course aims to provide basic knowledge and develop basic skills in the area of computer aided design. The basic knowledge refers to the structure of the geometric core of a modern CAD system and its methodologies and technical development. Skills are cultivated through training students in a standard commercial CAD system and assigning them to produce design projects within it for industrial objects of low/medium complexity.

1105. CAE and ApplicationsCAE and Applications
Generalization of the Finite Element Method: Methods of Statistical Residuals. Shape Functions in Finite Elements: Construction of shape functions, Shape functions in one-dimensional sections. Shape functions in two-dimensional regions. General element families. Depicted items. Isoparametric visualization. Numerical integration. Analysis of One-Dimensional Problems: Discretization of space. Calculation of stiffness and loading registers. Composition of the total stiffness register. Calculation of displacements and stresses. Applications in the case of elasticity and heat flow problems. Analysis of Two-Dimensional Problems: Discretization of space. Calculation of element registers. Composition of the total stiffness register. Calculation of displacements and stresses. Applications to elasticity problems and heat transfer problems. Three-Dimensional Intensive State: The Displacement Functions of Three-Dimensional Elasticity. Tetrahedral elements. Octa-node elements. Calculation of Plates and Shells: Thin plates in bending (Convergence criteria, Orthogonal and Triangular plate elements). Shells (Minute Shells).
The main purpose of the course is to introduce the finite element method in a general way so that the various applications of the method to engineering problems can be addressed. Applications are made to heat, elasticity and fluid problems. The course "CAE and Applications" provides specialized knowledge of computational engineering methods that find wide application in the programming of modern algorithms for the design and modeling of natural phenomena and the use of these models to solve construction problems.

1206. Smart MaterialsSmart Materials
1. Definition and classification of smart materials.
2. Correlation of crystalline structure and intelligent behavior of materials.
3. Piezoelectric and electrocontractive materials.
4. Magnetocontractile materials.
5. Alloys with shape memory.
6. Electrorheological and magnetorheological fluids.
7. Technology of sensors, actuators and converters based on smart materials.
8. Other fields of technological applications of smart materials.

1109. Technologies and Applications of Additive Manufacturing /3DPrintingTechnologies and Applications of Additive Manufacturing /3DPrinting
The course deals with the subject of Prosthetic Manufacturing (PM), better known in wider and non-specialized audience and as "3D Printing". It is recognized as a key pillar of Industry 4.0 and is considered one of the most influential modern technological-scientific areas for global industrialization now and for the future. the exercise is therefore particularly timely. The course attempts to satisfactorily cover the following sub-topics of PC:
- Origins, milestones and historical development of related technologies.
- Distinction, categorization, main prevailing technologies.
- Materials of construction and choice between available technologies and systems.
- Relevant international standardization & templates, file formats, 3D printing software.
- Steps of the complete process of successful 3D printing implementation.
- Combination with related complementary and downstream technologies and processes.
- Tooling construction.
- Major and minor branches of utilization and application and overall impact on modern technical, industrial & economic becoming.
- Examples of application.
Within the course, graded individual computing Exercises and Exercises in preparation software, Workshops using a desktop 3D Printer (usually FDM/FFF technology) with a corresponding graded Individual Assignment are also carried out Field. Optionally, a semester graded Application Topic is assigned to student groups.

1110. Advanced Manufacturing Systems (CIM-INDUSTRY 4.0)Advanced Manufacturing Systems (CIM-INDUSTRY 4.0)
1. Typology and structure of machining systems. Modern processing systems: flexible, reformable and intelligent. Their typical composition: machine tools, robots, sensors, mechatronic systems, controllers, databases, knowledge bases, networks.
2. Control of Flexible Processing Systems based on Petri nets. Classical, timed and colored networks: basic theory and discrete event control applications.
3. Integrated Processing Systems (CIM) and their functional modules. Information flow between functional units. Information interfaces. Basic Network Concepts: OSI Model. Basic database concepts: Generalized ideal schema.
4. Introduction to Industry 4.0 philosophy and technologies: Cyber-physical systems, Digital twins, Internet of Things , Virtual Reality (VR), Machine Learning (ML). Applications: machining preparation: machining monitoring, tool and machine status etc (Manufacturing Execution System - MES level).


Compulsory Second Semester Courses

1106. CAM and ApplicationsCAM and Applications
The course deals with the technology and programming of modern machine tools, as follows. Machine tool structure and basic subsystems. Basic concepts of machine tool dynamics. Basic concepts of CNC systems (Interference. Motion axis control systems). Machine tool cells and DNC controllers. G-code programming for machining centers / turning, bending and 3D printing (Coordinate systems. Offset. Basic motions. M commands). CAM for cutting (Tool path calculation. Data flow. CAD file transfer. Postprocessors). Automation of the preparation of bundles (Vasion and reconstruction bundles. Calculation based on morphological characteristics of processing). On- and off-line robot programming for machine tool servicing and machining. Precision measurement of CNC machine tools and robots using lasers (Principles. Implementation).
Objective objectives of the course are:
Basic design of machine tool control systems and material selection. CNC programming in machining center and turning center. Programming of CAM systems. Robot programming for machine tool servicing. Automating the production of bundles. Accuracy evaluation of machine tools. Building precision measurement procedures for machine tools and robots.

2206. SensorsSensors
Basic sensor concepts: sensitivity, uncertainty, hysteresis, linearity, parameters affecting the response of a sensor, sensor characterization techniques, test and calibration labs .
Phenomena in materials, on which the operation of sensors is based: phenomena in conducting materials, semiconducting materials, dielectric materials, magnetic materials and superconducting materials.
Sensors: Mechanical sensors (displacement, position, velocity, acceleration, flow, force, tension, pressure), electro-magnetic sensors (electric current, electric field, magnetic field, magnetic field changes), thermodynamic sensors (temperature, temperature change, humidity), chemical sensors (gas sensors).
Sensor applications: energy and environment, health, security and surveillance, defense, industrial applications, automation and IT, home applications, etc.
Laboratory Exercises:
Development and characterization of a displacement sensor & position.
Development and characterization of a force sensor & pressure.
Magnetic field sensor development and characterization.
Course objectives are: Sensor evaluation, Sensor design, Sensor use, Sensor calibration.


Compulsory Elective Courses (EC) Second Semester
(mandatory selection of 4 Courses per Semester)

1201. Transportation SystemsTransportation Systems
Land transport of goods - statistics - economic data of transport - green transport - data of transport systems. Modeling of transportation systems. Road transport. Railway transport. Intelligent transport systems. Transportation of dangerous & perishable products. Safe transport of goods.
The aim of the course is the knowledge of land (road & rail) goods transport vehicles & learning ways to calculate - build superstructures of means of transport. Harmonization - application of European Directives as well as of combined transport.

1202. Antipollution Processes and TechniquesAntipollution Processes and Techniques
1. Acquisition of general and specific knowledge with an emphasis on the processes, techniques and technologies on the subjects of the course.
2. Learning to solve, economically and technically, specific cases (case studies) on the subjects of the course.
3. The knowledge of the current situation internationally and in particular in Greece on the subjects of the course.
4. The knowledge of estimating economic quantities (and the knowledge of their calculation for case studies) on the subjects of the course. Special emphasis is placed on sustainable development.
5. Learning to apply the knowledge gained from other courses of the interdisciplinary program to course topics.
6. Developing skills and acquiring competence in the application of automation systems and IT in general in the study and dealing with the subjects of the course.
7. Orientation to the application of the knowledge acquired in the labor market.
8. The awareness of the importance of the research-application relationship.
9. The consolidation of the (frequent) need for an interdisciplinary approach to the course topics.
Objective objectives of the course are:
1. The introduction of postgraduate students to the basic concepts and thematics of environmental pollution as well as the processes and techniques for its treatment.
2. The analysis of the main processes and techniques (biological, thermal, physical-chemical etc.) for the treatment of pollution, with applications to solid, liquid and gaseous waste.
3. The analysis of applications of automation systems in dealing with pollution.
4. The solution (economic and technical) of specific cases.
The course provides general and mainly specialized knowledge of methods, processes and techniques that find wide application in solving problems pollution and applications of automation systems in their solution are presented.

1203. Welded StructuresWelded Structures
(1) Introduction. Technical Characteristics of Structural Welders, Conventional and Non-Conventional Welding Methods, Applications, Codes, Regulations and Certification.
(2) Welding Heat Transfer. Temperature distributions.
(3) Metallurgical phenomena during welding, Failure analysis.
(4) Residual Stresses, Deformations.
(5) Technology and Applications of Solid State Welding.
( 6) Welded Structures Proprietary Structures, Welded Structures Costing.
(7) Personnel Certification, Health and Safety.
(8) Non-Destructive Testing of Welded Structures.
(9) Corrosion of Welded Structures.
(10) Laboratory demonstrations.
(11-12) Presentation of Topics.
There are three main objectives of the course:
(a) The understanding of the basic principles and problems of welding technology, with an emphasis on the mechanical behavior of construction welders and their quality assurance.
(b) The development of the way of working in groups, through the elaboration of an extensive topic by a few groups of graduate students, in which each one has a specific role.< br /> (c) Cultivating the oral presentation, through the presentation of the results of the work done on each topic to the class audience.

1204. Electrical-Mechanical InstallationsElectrical-Mechanical Installations
Introduction - subject of the course. Design of thermal insulation of buildings and its calculation. Calculation of conduction, convection and radiation losses. Climatic data and regulations. Central heating elements and their trade names. Calculation of performance of elements and losses in heating circuits (single-pipe, two-pipe, underfloor). Selection and calculation of boilers, tanks, burners, chimneys, expansion tanks. Calculation of circulator and control elements (valves, automations).
Building water supply studies. Calculation of loads and piping based on equivalent load units and the analytical method. Calculation of lumped and distributed (linear) losses using a Moody chart. Bernoulli's equation.
Building drainage studies. Calculation of waste water loads. Calculation of siphons and aeration columns in sewers. Wells and cesspools. Drainage technology and introduction to municipal waste treatment.
Studies of lifting machines (elevators). Calculation of wire ropes, pulleys and choice of electric motor, chamber and counterweight. Hydraulic and mechanical person lifts. Engine room layouts and equipment. Calculation of drivers, automation and elevator safety systems.
Active fire protection and fire extinguishing studies. Passive fire protection of buildings. Automatic fire detection devices and fire extinguishing automations. Electrical studies of buildings. Single-phase - three-phase networks. Calculation and selection of cable cross-sections and calculation of panel fuses. Calculation of earthings and protection against short circuit - electric shock. Automation of building electrical installations. Computational exercises. Presentation of topics by student groups and evaluation.

1205. Polymer TechnologyPolymer Technology
The Teaching Material of the course includes the presentation of basic concepts related to Polymer Technology. A brief reference is made to the production and physical chemistry (thermal transitions, crystallinity) of polymers. This is followed by a presentation of basic principles in the rheology/rheometry of polymer melts as well as molding processes, with an emphasis on the operating conditions that must be followed for the processing of various polymers. Finally, through case studies, reference is made to modern applications in the field of food packaging, biomedical polymers and nanostructured polymers. Reference is also made to types of "smart polymers" in applications as sensors/actuators. By combining the above knowledge, students can face in practice problems of design and control of polymer production and shaping processes as well as the development of new and innovative products from polymeric materials.

1207. Energy Systems in Buildings and IndustryEnergy Systems in Buildings and Industry
Indicative contents: (a) Introduction, (b) Building Energy Systems (E/M , SAE, Metrics, Energy Saving, Pilot building visit/measurements), (c) Energy Systems in Industry (Combustion Technologies, Cogeneration of Heat/Electricity, Auxiliary Industrial Systems, Case Studies), (d) Heat/Electricity Storage (Systems and Applications).
The course aims to provide students with specific knowledge in the characteristics and operation of: (a) energy production systems, (b) thermal and electrical storage systems and (c) automation systems of energy devices and facilities with the aim of energy saving.

2204. Mechatronics SystemsMechatronics Systems
Introduction, Design, Modeling, Parameter Identification & Analysis, Control, Sensors, Actuators, Mechanisms, Transmissions, Analog Electronics, A/D & D/A, Microcontrollers (h/w & s/w), Single board computers, Real Time Operating System (RTOS), Construction Issues. After completing the course, students will be able to:
- Analyze mechatronic systems and complete the design of a complex device.
- Choose appropriate technologies of sensors, actuators, electronics, µC, for use in mechatronic devices.
- Be aware of the difficulties presented in the design and implementation of complex mechatronic systems and be able to work together in a team to address them.
- Be able to evaluate the basic technologies used during design and the operation of mechatronic systems.

2103. MeasurementsMeasurements
Error theory (systematic and random errors, weight and conditions of measurements), instrumentation, methodology of classical electrical measurements, oscilloscopes, nulling instruments (bridges ) and compensation devices. Energy and power measurements of single-phase and multi-phase systems. Open and closed loop amplifiers, operational amplifiers, measurements on operational amplifiers. Analogue measurements of electrical quantities, electronic voltmeter, analogue measurements of non-electrical quantities, converters, measurement of force and torque. Digital measurements of non-electric quantities, measurement of time, frequency, converters. Spectrum analysis of digital filters, measurement of noise at the output of digital filters.


Content of Specialization B: Automatic Control Systems and Robotics

Compulsory First Semester Courses

1108. Modelling and Control of Dynamical SystemsModelling and Control of Dynamical Systems
1. Transfer functions. Bode and Nyquist plots. Representation of uncertainty. Eigenvalues of multivariate systems. Robust stability and performance of systems with parametric or non-parametric uncertainty. IMC (Internal Model Control) regulators.
2. Modeling dynamic systems with state registers. Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control. LQR controllers (Linear Quadratic Regulators).
3. Kalman filter design. LQG (Linear Quadratic Gaussian) method. H_infinity control.
4. Design of optimal MPC (Model Predictive Control) type controllers.
This course aims to present control system design methods that combine the time and frequency fields. The methods are initially presented at the level of one-input-one-output systems and are generalized to multivariate systems. Students who complete the course will be able to design in MATLAB optimal LQG controllers for multivariable systems that satisfy specific specifications in the frequency domain based on the eigenvalues.

2104. Robot Control SystemsRobot Control Systems
Acquire a mathematical, analytical background in the modeling, programming and control of robotic manipulator processes. Deepening into the engineering of industrial-type robotic manipulator systems, as well as the specifics concerning the design of corresponding robotic automatic control systems. The objective objectives of the course are:
1. To introduce the students to the basic concepts and topics of Robotics, mainly regarding the analysis and control of classic robotic operators, systems which are used to perform a variety of tasks in industry.
2. The familiarization of students with the analytical mathematical tools involved in the study of classical industrial robotic systems, so that they are, among other things, properly prepared for the better assimilation and understanding in practice of the functions and the control method of a robotic system, in combination with the corresponding laboratory course which will be taught in the next (spring) semester.

Note: From Specialization A: Mandatory Selection of 2 courses in total, i.e., either 1 per term, or 2 in either of the 2 semesters taken from Specialization Α courses as shown above and not included there.


Compulsory Elective Courses (EC) First Semester
(From Specialization B: Mandatory Selection of 3 courses per semester)

1109. Technologies and Applications of Additive Manufacturing /3DPrintingTechnologies and Applications of Additive Manufacturing /3DPrinting
The course deals with the subject of Prosthetic Manufacturing (PM), better known in wider and non-specialized audience and as "3D Printing". It is recognized as a key pillar of Industry 4.0 and is considered one of the most influential modern technological-scientific areas for global industrialization now and for the future. the exercise is therefore particularly timely. The course attempts to satisfactorily cover the following sub-topics of PC:
- Origins, milestones and historical development of related technologies.
- Distinction, categorization, main prevailing technologies.
- Materials of construction and choice between available technologies and systems.
- Relevant international standardization & templates, file formats, 3D printing software.
- Steps of the complete process of successful 3D printing implementation.
- Combination with related complementary and downstream technologies and processes.
- Tooling construction.
- Major and minor branches of utilization and application and overall impact on modern technical, industrial & economic becoming.
- Examples of application.
Within the course, graded individual computing Exercises and Exercises in preparation software, Workshops using a desktop 3D Printer (usually FDM/FFF technology) with a corresponding graded Individual Assignment are also carried out Field. Optionally, a semester graded Application Topic is assigned to student groups.

2201. Multivariable Control SystemsMultivariable Control Systems
Multivariable SAE in state space. Elements of Abstract Algebra and Differential Geometry Optimal Control. Robust, Multivariate Control (H00, KM). The problem of control in many-input (stimulus) many-output (response) systems. Linearization of a system in the region of an equilibrium point. System time response and ways to calculate the parent exponential function. Definition and properties of transfer function matrix. Controllability, observability and Kalman decomposition. Controllability indicators and system observability indicators. Equivalence of polynomial matrices. Forms of matrix. Zeros at infinity and finite system zeros. Generalization of the root locus method in multivariable systems and the role of zeros at infinity. Normal form Popov. Luenberger normal form. Normal observable form. Theory of polynomial matrices. Enter the system matrix. Transformation of the system matrix. Controllability and observability of system matrix description. Introduction to Lyapunov stability for nonlinear and linear systems. At the end of the course students are able to:
1) Describe a multivariable system in the time or frequency domain.
2) Decide specifications of the system responses and design the controller that satisfies them .

2203. Intelligent Control and Robotic SystemsIntelligent Control and Robotic Systems
Introduction to intelligent and adaptive control - Heuristic adaptive control techniques (MIT-RULE etc) - LYAPUNOV Theory - Pattern-referenced adaptive control for nonlinear systems. - Adaptive and robust control of robotic arms (model based) - Neural Control via Adaptive Control - Robotic Systems Applications Workshop (Arms, wheeled vehicle, underwater vehicle, mobile robotic manipulators) - Seminar by invited speaker. The aim of the course is the introduction to the Control of Systems with uncertain parameters and structure through adaptive control methodologies.

1206. Smart MaterialsSmart Materials
1. Definition and classification of smart materials.
2. Correlation of crystalline structure and intelligent behavior of materials.
3. Piezoelectric and electrocontractive materials.
4. Magnetocontractile materials.
5. Alloys with shape memory.
6. Electrorheological and magnetorheological fluids.
7. Technology of sensors, actuators and converters based on smart materials.
8. Other fields of technological applications of smart materials.

2109. Seminar Course in Automatic Control and Robotics ISeminar Course in Automatic Control and Robotics I


Compulsory Second Semester Courses

2202. Nonlinear Systems and ControlNonlinear Systems and Control
The material includes results from the theory of nonlinear deterministic systems of finite dimension:
1 .Introduction to the theory of differential manifolds, geometric properties of nonlinear systems, relative degree, linearization, controllability.
2. State input stability, Lyapunov characterizations, stability of complex systems.
3. Stabilization with feedback, use of Lyapunov functions and Central Multiplicity theorem. Total Stabilization. Degree Theory and necessary conditions.

2205. Robotics LaboratoryRobotics Laboratory
The laboratory exercises, for the practical assimilation and understanding of the functions and control method of robotic systems, include among others: (a ) linear control of a single robotic joint, (b) programming of a robotic manufacturing process (robotic cell), (c) dynamic, non-linear control components with application to articulated robotic arms (e.g. Pendubot assembly of two-degree-of-freedom inverted pendulum), ( d) industrial-type robotic arm programming techniques (eg Adept Scara-type). This course aims to acquire practical knowledge and skills through laboratory exercises, and to assimilate the corresponding theoretical knowledge on the control and programming of robotic systems (mainly industrial-type robotic operators and robotic production systems).

Note: From Specialization A: Mandatory Selection of 2 courses in total, i.e., either 1 per term, or 2 in either of the 2 semesters taken from Specialization Α courses as shown above and not included there.


Compulsory Elective Courses (EC) Second Semester
(From Specialization B: Mandatory Selection of 3 courses per semester)

2204. Mechatronics SystemsMechatronics Systems
Introduction, Design, Modeling, Parameter Identification & Analysis, Control, Sensors, Actuators, Mechanisms, Transmissions, Analog Electronics, A/D & D/A, Microcontrollers (h/w & s/w), Single board computers, Real Time Operating System (RTOS), Construction Issues. After completing the course, students will be able to:
- Analyze mechatronic systems and complete the design of a complex device.
- Choose appropriate technologies of sensors, actuators, electronics, µC, for use in mechatronic devices.
- Be aware of the difficulties presented in the design and implementation of complex mechatronic systems and be able to work together in a team to address them.
- Be able to evaluate the basic technologies used during design and the operation of mechatronic systems.

2206. SensorsSensors
Basic sensor concepts: sensitivity, uncertainty, hysteresis, linearity, parameters affecting the response of a sensor, sensor characterization techniques, test and calibration labs .
Phenomena in materials, on which the operation of sensors is based: phenomena in conducting materials, semiconducting materials, dielectric materials, magnetic materials and superconducting materials.
Sensors: Mechanical sensors (displacement, position, velocity, acceleration, flow, force, tension, pressure), electro-magnetic sensors (electric current, electric field, magnetic field, magnetic field changes), thermodynamic sensors (temperature, temperature change, humidity), chemical sensors (gas sensors).
Sensor applications: energy and environment, health, security and surveillance, defense, industrial applications, automation and IT, home applications, etc.
Laboratory Exercises:
Development and characterization of a displacement sensor & position.
Development and characterization of a force sensor & pressure.
Magnetic field sensor development and characterization.
Course objectives are: Sensor evaluation, Sensor design, Sensor use, Sensor calibration.

2207. Adaptive, Robust and Hierarchical ControlAdaptive, Robust and Hierarchical Control
Introduction to robust and adaptive control. A review of Lyapunov stability theory. Lyapunov stabilization check. Model-based control (EBM). Robust track slip control (SEOT). Adaptive reference model checking (PEMA). Self-tuning adaptive control (ASPE). Introduction to hierarchical and decentralized control. Coordination Control of Hierarchical Systems (HCS), open and closed loop Hierarchical Control (IE) (continuous and discrete systems). Nested Hierarchical Control (NHC), Large-Scale Decentralized System Control (NSC).

2103. MeasurementsMeasurements
Error theory (systematic and random errors, weight and conditions of measurements), instrumentation, methodology of classical electrical measurements, oscilloscopes, nulling instruments (bridges ) and compensation devices. Energy and power measurements of single-phase and multi-phase systems. Open and closed loop amplifiers, operational amplifiers, measurements on operational amplifiers. Analogue measurements of electrical quantities, electronic voltmeter, analogue measurements of non-electrical quantities, converters, measurement of force and torque. Digital measurements of non-electric quantities, measurement of time, frequency, converters. Spectrum analysis of digital filters, measurement of noise at the output of digital filters.

2209. Seminar Course in Automatic Control and Robotics IISeminar Course in Automatic Control and Robotics II