Automation Systems

Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program

School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA

Objectives of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programs of Studies (IPP)

The aim of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programs is multifaceted:

- To specialize Engineering graduates from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) or graduates from other relevant Universities in modern interdisciplinary methods and collaborative research techniques. This specialization should adequately address the growing needs of both the public and private sectors within the country, as well as in other European Union nations or in scientific domains related to the IPPS outside the EU.

- To provide comprehensive training to scholars enabling them to generate innovative knowledge.

- To offer a comprehensive range of theoretical and practical knowledge across various academic disciplines. This equips graduates to better meet the professional demands as Engineers or Scientists and facilitates their ability to secure relevant employment opportunities.

It is evident that the educational and research outcomes of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programs are intended to establish a connection with productive endeavors, stimulate the job market, and optimize their utilization by the National Economy.