The focus of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program of Studies (I.P.P.S.) "Automation Systems" (A.S.) includes:
(a) the enhancement of scientific and technological research within the realm of Construction and Production Systems, alongside Automated Control Systems and Robotics, and
(b) the generation of novel knowledge in these specific domains.
Specifically, through this M.Sc. program, efforts are made to enhance research and provide interdisciplinary and specialized knowledge, aiming at both theoretical and practical laboratory training, in the strategically important for our country field of Automation Systems. Achieving this involves the program's interdisciplinary and interdepartmental nature, spanning a wide spectrum of technological and scientific areas, such as:
- Systems supporting the design and construction of industrial production, encompassing CAD, CAE, CAM systems, etc.
- Automation systems and industrial production.
- Theory and application of automatic control systems.
- Robotics and mechatronic systems and their control.
- Automation technology for thermal, physical, chemical, and mechanical processes.
- Automated systems for management and economic support of industrial production.
- Facility safety and maintenance systems.
- Automated management and economic support systems for industrial production, incorporating production cost estimation systems.
- Automated systems for selected industry sectors, such as energy facilities, chemical industry, waste processing, etc.
The areas covered by the IPPS in Automation Systems are inherently interdisciplinary and evolving, necessitating collaboration between proficient scientists and engineers employing innovative approaches to technological challenges. With these considerations in mind, the IPPS AS seeks to specialize postgraduate students in contemporary methods and techniques of interdisciplinary collaboration and research. The goal is to effectively address the escalating needs of both the public and private sectors in our country and, more broadly, in the scientific areas covered by this IPPS. It also aims to ensure the excellent training of scientists capable of generating new knowledge and responding to the modern needs of society and technological advancements. In any case, the connection of the educational and research processes of the M.Sc. program with production is deemed necessary and sought after, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the technological development of the country. The IPPS in Automation Systems is designed for:
- Graduates of the NTUA and other Polytechnic Schools in the country.
- Graduates of other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country, primarily in the field of science.
- Graduates of foreign universities, primarily in the field of science, holding an M.S. or M.Eng. degree or an equivalent title.